The most important thing to understand about district management is that the champions that you assign to each district will VASTLY increase your daily income. Keeping this under control is a key factor to your swift success in Bloodline. Each district has a specific champion available that gives the most Gold per Minute. This is based on their leadership scores. Getting each companion to a mythic level so you can reproduce as many Mythic Champions as possible is the ultimate goal. Making sure you use Mythic Champions of a high level is very important, and you will ideally have Noble and Confident traits on EVERYONE assigned to your districts.
When a champion is used only for increasing the yield of a district, the only traits we care about are Noble and Confident. In a late-game district setup we will be using ONLY the four champions shown above with Mythic quality, and they will ALL have max level Noble and Confident. As you’re working towards that, keep in mind that Noble is more important than Confident as it scale by percentage instead of giving a flat increase.
As this site grows there will be more information on district management concerning charm, charisma, carousing, companions, construction plans, and more. However, if you keep this information in mind, you will be headed in a very strong direction with your districts!