
Female Travain

My favorite thing about Female Travain is her passive. This deals damage based on a percent of the enemies Constitution every 3 hits. Since our Ultimate gives us an Attack Speed boost we can get more passive procs with more Ults! And we can still afford Fierce!


F Travain is generally better at boss killing than group battles. But that doesn’t mean you can’t put her in your standard team, especially early on. The single best thing you can do for her is to put her with an attack speed boost. Which basically means Male White Eyes, as there is currently a strong debate over what the F Lionstone Ult actually contributes.  

  • Use with Male White Eyes!
  • You can attach a Female Lume to trigger the Ultimate faster and get even more Procs of the Passive
  • (In Boss fights, it may be better to connect the Lume to a Male Tidestorm who can do a bit more with his Ult.)





EVERY SINGLE ACCOUNT should have a decently leveled F Travain to be able to complete challenges, score highly in boss fights, and rake in extra rewards. This companion is also the first you should be taking to Mythic, so this is a choice that requires no brain power. As Shia would say, JUST DOOOO IT!!!

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